The following companies sell tested, ready-to-install HHO systems for heavy Diesel vehicles: US 3, AU 1, CAN 3, UK 2 Total of 9.

HyTech Power Systems, Inc.

Redmond, WA

Hydrogen Power Systems, Inc. has gone off-line.

watch video

Escondido, CA

Central Valley HHO, Inc.

watch video

Modesto, CA


Hydroflex Pty Ltd. has gone off-line

watch video

Tonsley, SA


Innovative Hydrogen Solutions Inc.

watch video

Aurora, ONT

Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems Inc.

watch company video

Sidney, BC

dynaCERT Inc.

watch video

Conference presentation

Toronto, ONT


Blulab Research has gone off-line.

watch video

London, England

Hoxy Tronic Ltd.

watch video

Stoke Bishop, Bristol, UK


Optimized HHO gas injection could reduce fuel consumption of Diesel engines by 30% even when running under typical load conditions. A number of companies around the world are already using and developing HHO technology, so this is certainly a direction that should be explored further. Reports described below explain the concept and develop it for different applications. The work we have done is quite preliminary, but if it is real, it would certainly be a revolutionary step forward in the development of Diesel power.

HHO and Marine Diesel engines and Diesel generators

This report applies an optimization model to large low-speed marine Diesel engines used on ocean-going ships. The model provides a rationale for scaling the technology to much larger sizes. Applying optimized HHO to an application is greatly affected by application requirements. HHO retrofits onto Diesel vehicles but the same results cannot be expected on a ship engine that operates over a much more restricted range of its speed/load map. Click here for a preliminary draft of this report. Click here for a spreadsheet that contains all the maths referred to in the monograph.

Optimizing HHO on Diesel vehicles.

This report takes the model developed in the paper Optimizing HHO on Diesel engines. and develops it for heavy Diesel vehicles. It describes some development and testing methods. HHO can probably be used with other fuel efficient technologies, so in this report we start with an advanced prototype created by a Cummins Peterbilt joint program. It averages 10.7 mpg. The 30% reduction that could be possible with optimized HHO gives a typical mileage of 15.8 mpg (straight, level pavement, 62 mph, 65,000 pound weight). The current EPA requirement for a new 2014 tractor under similar conditions is 7.2 mpg. To see the report click here

Optimizing HHO on Diesel engines.

It is common to get around 15% reduction in fuel costs when using HHO on a "semi" rig. Is it possible to 30% consistently at highways speeds while pulling a load? This report analyzes lab and field test data to develop an optimization model. Then it describes the concept for a retrofit product based on this model. This is the first in a series of reports. Check this site regularly for updates. To see the report click here.

HHO and Diesel Technology

This report describes a method to evaluate and compare results of Diesel engine lab studies. This involves calculating the additional amount of energy generated per gram of hydrogen gas injected. Eight evaluations were studied. Average yield values ranged from 0.034 to 6.545 megajoules per gram of hydrogen - a 192 fold difference. Yields above 6 megajoules/gram were observed on two different studies and it does not appear likely that these high averages were simply flukes. Otherwise, eight different laboratory evaluations basically produced eight different results. This indicates that performing a definitive laboratory evaluation of this technology could be much more difficult than one might expect. It may be that variables exerting a significant effect on the performance of the technology have not been adequately identified. Click here for a preliminary draft of this report.

Maximum theoretical MMW

A commonly used measurement of HHO reactor efficiency is MMW (milliliters per minute per watt). With simple equipment, an experimenter can take this measurement. However, there has been some confusion about calculating the maximum theoretical value. Click here

Future Research

You may notice that the monographs are based on a very small amount of data. Currently, a test bed is being built to collect much more data to validate the analysis that has already been done. Click here to see a video of our preliminary experiments.

The 9 HHO system companies listed on the left have produced 11 videos shown here:

Hydrogen Power Systems, Inc., Escondido CA

Hydroflex Pty Ltd., Tonsley SA

Empire Hydrogen Energy Systems Inc., Sydney BC

Central Valley HHO, Inc., Modesto CA

dynaCERT Inc., Toronto ONT

dynaCERT Inc., Toronto ONT

Innovative Hydrogen Solutions, Inc., Aurora ONT

Blulab, London England

Hoxy Tronic Ltd. Bristol UK

HHO research